WWE RAW - TLC Match - Tag Team Championship Urso Tobias 13.08.11 música:Miguel e André - Mais Que Tudo Na Vida Tags:buba ray dudleychris jerichochristianjeff hardykanerob van damspike dudleyvideowrestlingwwe link do post favorito
WWE RAW - Shelton Benjamin & Shawn Michaels & Mick Foley & Chris Benoit vs. Evolution (Randy Orton & Triple H & Ric Flair & Batista) Urso Tobias 06.08.11 Tags:batistachris benoitmick foleyrandy ortonric flairshawn michaelsshelton benjamintriple hvideowrestlingwwe link do post favorito
WWE RAW blooper - Randy Orton misses the RKO On Chris Jericho Urso Tobias 30.07.11 música:Neurosis - The Last You'll Know Tags:blooperschris jerichorandy ortonvideowrestlingwwe link do post favorito
WWE Rey Mysterio & Edge Vs. John Cena & Matt Hardy (Smackdown 2002) Urso Tobias 23.07.11 música:Opeth - Bleak Tags:edgejohn cenamatt hardyrey mysteriovideowrestlingwwe link do post favorito
WWE Undertaker vs Hulk Hogan Unforgiven 2002 Urso Tobias 09.07.11 Tags:hulk hoganundertakervideowrestlingwwe link do post favorito
WWE Wrestlemania XX - John Cena vs The Big Show Urso Tobias 25.06.11 música:Dry Cell - Body Crumbles Tags:john cenathe big showvideowrestlemaniawrestlingwwe link do post favorito
WWE - Smackdown! May 21, 2002 - TLC Match - Hardy Boyz Vs. Dudley Boyz Vs. Edge And Christian Vs. Chris Jericho And Chris Benoit - Tag Titles Urso Tobias 28.05.11 música:Sevendust - Enemy Tags:chris benoitchris jerichochristiandudley boyzedgehardy boyzvideowrestlingwwe link do post favorito
WWF - Survivor Series 1991 - Hulk Hogan vs The Undertaker Urso Tobias 19.03.11 música:The Long Blondes - A Knife For The Girls Tags:hulk hoganundertakervideowrestlingwwf link do post favorito
Tatanka, 123 Kid, Bob Holly & The Smoking Gunns vs. Rick Martel, IRS, Jeff Jarrett & The Headshrinkers Urso Tobias 12.03.11 música:The Red Chord - Lay The Tarp Tags:123 kidbob hollyirsjeff jarrettrick marteltatankathe headshrinkersthe smoking gunnsvideowrestlingwwf link do post favorito
WWF Unforgiven - Undertaker Vs Kane [Inferno Match] Urso Tobias 26.02.11 Tags:kaneundertakervideowrestling link do post favorito